Ching's World

This is my world. This is how it is for me. This is where I am now and this is what I leave when I am gone.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


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The insanely wonderful life. And its opposite, the difficult life. Does life have to be wonderful? Maybe it does. What then? We may eat good food, we still die. To have a great deal of money, would be more than just something. No argument there. Not to have the basic needs of life, that would suck. Again, there is no denying this contention. I have always imagined that I would never find it hard to partake of the easy life.

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I'm outgoing enough, I thought. I can catch whatever comes my way and win most of the time.
It's a piece of cake when one is very young and his entire life is in front of him. What will occur when one begins to grow older and strengths start to lessen? Will the possibilities also stand still? No one can know how a life will turn out and anyone who has lived gets deceased at a point in time. What is the benefit of having a rich or a poor life? Ultimately, the houses we build don't last forever and neither do we.

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