Ching's World

This is my world. This is how it is for me. This is where I am now and this is what I leave when I am gone.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ching's World Reborn?

Ching's World died and there was nothing I could do about it. I would have wanted to keep it alive a little longer but there was no more juice in the pipeline and I could not keep its demise from occurring so I surrendered to the inevitable. I should have transferred it to another registrar but I did not know I could do that. Besides, it was largely an experiment that took on life of its own and I guess I got used to the idea that somehow its life would be extended somewhat. Until it was too late to do anything about it.

Right now, I am doing things which could revive Ching's World. What things? Well, I have been working on the problem of SEO and web promotion and I may have come to a bit of understanding regarding this problem. Every website needs SEO more than it realizes. Without some kind of SEO there is little or no hope for a website being visible to potential visitors.

Anyway, here's Cagayan de Oro City with another one: Cagayan de Oro City. My Cebu City site has made pr1, surprise, surprise. Dumaguete is still in the boondocks as far as Google goes but Dumaguete has made some headway.

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