Ching's World

This is my world. This is how it is for me. This is where I am now and this is what I leave when I am gone.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

On To The World

The world is how we make it. Largely made of mind-stuff, the universe changes just as fast as a mind changes its point of view. Ching's World is made of mind stuff, changeable and constantly in flux just like everything else in this universe. We may think the world is made of rocks and stones and some gases and water, like matter and stuff like that but the way matter changes without provocation, one is tempted to think that maybe matter and mind are not so different after all. A mind change and so does matter. Ice turns to water, losing its solid shape. Mind changes from yes to no. Same difference I think

So should Ching's World change with the world and with the times. It would die if it were unable to change. This is how it should be with people, to change and go with the times. People tend to be rigid though especially as they grow older. Younger ones are more malleable, more capable of changing. The taoists say one must be like a baby.